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Helping with Anxiety

Swag, our 7 year old dachshund, is a very ranbunkesh and playful dog but he struggles with anxiety.

Many events can cause for his anxiety to act up for example, if I go to leave the house he gets very riled up, usually finds the nearest toy and shacks the heck out of it. 

There are many times where we leave for vacation or a weekend get a away and we can't take the dogs, so we have to call a babysitter for them. We usually try to have the dogs go somewhere they are familiar with or have someone we trust to stay at home with them. Having someone stay at home with the dogs is always our favorite options because our dogs are HOME. This is the place they sleep, eat, and run around at so this is the place they want to be at. This way they don't feel disturbed or have to stay at a strange and unfamiliar place.

However, even though we have someone at home watching our dogs, Swag struggles with separation. His lack to want to play will slowly change and he becomes a loner. He stops eating. We usually ask the sitter to boil up a few eggs so he at least tries to eat something. There has even been times where he has given himself a stress rash from me being away from him for a few days.

I knew I had to find something that would help poor Swag. I went to a vet, who gave him a medication that we only used when needed. Well when we needed to use them he would vomit the medication right back up because he wouldn't eat so there was no food going into his belly. I felt bad and I hated putting Swag through all that. Not to mention feeling sorry for the sitter who is taking care of our furbaby.

So once again I was back to the same issue I was having before. But I was determined to finding something that would help. 

That is when I discovered a whole line of products that fit Swag's needs. ThunderShirt is one of my favorites that we use because it is easy to put on and Swag loves it! A ThunderShirt is a shirt that swaddles your dog keeping pressure to the torso area which helps calm and relax your dog. Swag wears his if I leave for the day, or if we go on car rides. It is definitely something I recommend because it is easy to take with you and you can put it on your dog whenever you feel the need. 

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Pick out the right size and get your ThunderShirt today!

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